Corporate Services & Training
CCE collaborates with economic and workforce development organizations to better serve employers in the Tri-County region. As businesses expand and diversify to remain competitive, having a pulse on the local business community allows CCE to be proactive and demand-driven in its training approach. In response to ever-changing workforce needs, CCE offers a variety of services for employers, including;
- Assisting employers with customizing training, including developing curriculum and training the trainer on deployment strategies.
- Facilitating the Michigan New Jobs Training Program to provide no-cost training opportunities for eligible employers. Currently, CCE manages more than $4 million in agreements.
- Identifying training needs and offering company-specific solutions, such as providing information for apprenticeship programming or referrals to related community resources and services.
- Working with workforce organizations to identify additional resources, such as funding opportunities or U.S. Department of Labor connections.
Customized Training
Our Workforce Training team will work with you to develop a training program or class that fits your schedule and training needs. CCE can provide training at your preferred location, either at your facility or on campus, and can provide laptops for company on-site training.
CCE Customized Training Catalog
Customized training categories include:
- Manufacturing Skills
- Information Technology
- Quality/Environmental/Safety
- Cad/Cam/Plm
- Leadership/Management Skills
- Project Management
- Customer Service
- Logistics and Supply Chain
- Workforce Assessments
- Customized Curriculum
For additional training options or to discuss your specific needs, e-mail Corporate and Continuing Education at
Michigan New Jobs Training Program
Well-educated and highly-trained employees are critical to compete in today’s increasingly competitive global market. Jackson College works with the Michigan New Jobs Training Program (MNJTP) to offer employers a competitive edge and trained workforce. Currently, CCE manages over 4 million in MNJTP contracts, providing training for over 300 new positions.
Employer Benefits
- Reduce the cost of staff expansion
- Training for new employees
- Customized training programs
- Increase productivity and employee satisfaction
- Improve quality, profitability and customer satisfaction
MNJTP funds can pay for:
- Highly specialized customized training
- Courses at public or private training institutions
- Online courses
- Skill assessment, testing and certification
- Training equipment, materials, and supplies
- Development of customized courses and materials
- Administrative expenses
To begin the process, eligible employers should e-mail
- What is the purpose of the Michigan New Jobs Training Program (MNJTP)?
- How is the training paid for?
- How does this program work?
- Who is considered an eligible employer?
- What type of training services and program costs can be funded using the MNJTP?
- How is the loan amount determined?
Jackson College is dedicated to supporting employers in developing and maintaining high-quality apprenticeship programs. With our ability to uphold industry standards and offer comprehensive Related Trade Instruction (RTI), we ensure your apprentices receive the education and training they need to excel in their trades.
We can offer apprenticeship programs in a variety of occupations, providing tailored instruction to meet the specific needs of your industry.
Our team can assist you in getting your apprenticeship program approved by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), providing a streamlined process to meet all regulatory requirements and achieve official recognition.
For more information on how Jackson College can support your apprenticeship initiatives, please contact Amber Collins at or 517.507.4448.
Let us help you build a skilled workforce for the future.